
Alternative Cinematic Indie Pop Rock with Evran

Evran is an artist from Norway who creates from home - what has become known as the “bedroom” genre.  Judging by the quality of his work, you’d never know it was done at home.  He labels it as Alternative Cinematic Indie Pop Rock - and that is right on point.  His latest release, “I Lie Awake at Night and Wait for You” is true soundscape and artistry.  He’s exceptional in this realm of creativity.  

The track slowly builds over an airy guitar part and mystical keyboard patches as Evran tells the story using his falsetto.  The first chorus is understated, but you can sense something bigger is coming.  When the drums come in, the chord changes and bass line are not what we expected - and we always love that - we want to be surprised - great progression and open chords.  With the second verse, he switches to his chest voice and really hits it hard with the second chorus.  Funny, I get more vibes of this being a great driving song than a dreaming song but he sells it well.  The bridge creates a building, cinematic pause with a space as wide as the walls of a fjord, and then we come back to another chorus.  At this point, you should be singing along with him at the top of your lungs.  A great guitar solo (ala The Edge or Coldplay) brings it all home.  The song is so well built, you can’t tell it’s 5:47 long.   

There are six other singles you should check out to get the full vibe on this talented artist.    “Breathe Again” is simple and haunting with a beautiful piano tone and a melody that pulls you in.  “I Miss the Way you Smell in Summer” is a great, ethereal pop song with a beautiful drum pattern and lovely guitar parts.  We look forward to what he’ll be releasing next!  

Check it out now!

Listen & Follow Evran here:








