
  • We are not a music label or a music publisher.

    We are more of an “Artist Incubator.” Formally our business is set up as a music consulting company.

    Business incubators usually help a business (in this case a musician or artist) determine if a business concept is viable and then provide support (with advice and guidance) to help them succeed. Most incubators work with a project for 1 to 2 years.

    Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is still in it’s infancy. Right now we are all in the incubation period together.

    Music Business Accelerators are typically short term fast-paced structured programs lasting 3-4 months. Accelerators work with early stage businesses (in our case musicians and artists) that have already gained some traction. Once we begin to see an artist succeed in this space, we will help them develop a plan to accelerate their career.

    We aim to provide artist support in both ways as we grow. Our first objective is to help artists establish a presence in this new music ecosystem and to help new and existing fans learn where to find you.

    We will provide support through guidance and education around digital money, web-3 music technology, rights management, licensing, collections, and also strategic marketing. In the future we will provide financial support for artists that excel in the space.

    We are here to guide you through that process, not control it. We take no ownership stake in your music. You will always own your own music.

  • We are formally set up as a consulting company. Therefore our “services” are; professional advice, guidance and actionable solutions for onboarding to a decentralized music distribution platform, by way of Web-3 and Web-5 technology, and through the use of digital currency.

    We help artists understand how to stake a claim to revenue (digital currencies) generated by your digital assets (your music) and ensure that creator rights are honored and accounted for and your intellectual property rights are protected in the “valueverse.” We assist artists in setting up their digital footprint, understanding financial sovereignty, and in participating in the “value-4-value” ecosystem.

    Any artist that has songwriter or producer arrangements, especially those with royalty splits and recoupments, will need to take special steps to enter into this space. We will show you how.

    We believe it is imperative that artists understand this space, and stake their claim to their revenue now. If you don’t do it, THE MUSIC INDUSTRY WILL FIND A WAY TO DO IT FOR YOU.

    We are building a first of its kind artist incubator. A place where the artist and their financial sovereignty always come first.

  • There has never before been a technology that allows for the instant, global and direct to artist payment between a listener and an artist. The tech is revolutionary.

    To our knowledge:

    • There are no existing rules or regulations about the distribution of independent music in this way.

    • To our knowledge there are no existing rules or regulations that govern the collection of Bitcoin as a stream of revenue.

    • To our knowledge there are no “label contracts or deals” that currently address the collection and distribution of digital currency generated royalties.

    But make no mistake, the music industry will catch on and they will eventualluy design processes that benefit their bottom line.

    Much like the early days of Napster and Spotify we have an opportunity to re-write the rules so they serve the artist.

    We hope you’ll consider joining us.

  • Value-4-Value is both a monetization model and a philosophy. It is a content format that allows fans to directly boost artists when they enjoy their work - without subscriptions or paywalls. There have been many success stories in music, using direct to fan tools like “Patreon” and “Go-Fund Me.” These solutions have proven that fans are eager to have a direct connection to their favorite musicians.

    Value-4-Value takes that idea one step further by allowing fans to reward you directly, when they are listening in app, something that can not be done in any traditional distribution or current platforms. This experience becomes truly participatory and reciprocal.

    The default monetization model of existing online publishing, is advertising revenue that relies heavily on corporate surveillance, ownership and gameable analytics.

    The default monetization of the the mainstream recording industry has been control. By controlling the revenue stream they will always control you, your music, your ability to make an income and your ability to connect with your fans in truly direct ways.

    Value-4-Value is about open standards, connection and sound financial management. Value-4-Value therefore offers us a truly revolutionary way forward.

    At this time, we suggest that Value-4-Value distribution be an added revenue stream, not a replacement to, traditional distribution through partners like DistroKid, CD Baby and others. We recommend artists continue to pursue opportunities within the mainstream music industry until this new technology segment matures.

  • There are multiple layers of technology and user acceptance that are bringing the Value-4-Value economy to life.

    Primarily, the mainstream acceptance of digital currency - specifically Bitcoin - is birthing an entirely new way to exchange value, globally and instantaneously. Bitcoin in particular, uses its own Lightning Network (think of it as a payment processor) which allows the frictionless, immediate and global automation of micropayments.

    Micropayments are tiny bits of digital currency. In Bitcoin they are referred to as Satoshi or SAT §. Think of SATs as “pennies” to Bitcoin’s “dollar”. The value of SATs is determined by market fluctuations and the value changes, going up and down, due to supply and demand and other global economic conditions. Bitcoin is often compared to gold as an example of a “store of value.” You can check on today’s conversion rate here.

  • There are many layers to the tech right now. We currently recommend a combination of tech platforms to help you stake your digital claim, ensure creator rights are protected, and to collect real money directly from your fans.

    It is important to note that many of these technologies are still in development. Some in version 1.0 or even Beta test stage. As with any new tech development, there comes some risk. But as subject matter experts in music, coupled with industry leading developer relationships, we think we provide a unique safe haven (as a member of our community) to explore, adopt and understand how the industry is about to change.

    Like with any new tech, solutions and platforms may come and go. And as is true with any new tech development, especially with any that deals with money, scammers abound. We can’t protect everyone, from everything, but we can provide the educational guardrails, and counsel, on how best to protect yourself as you enter the space.

  • Digital Currency, also known as crypto currency, comes in many forms. Like Fiat currency (dollars, pounds, pesos, etc.) there are many flavors (Ethereum, Doge coin, LiteCoin, Bitcoin and many others).

    After considerable research and education into this financial space, we believe that Bitcoin is and will remain the dominate digital currency for the near future. Bitcoin is the oldest and strongest digital currency today. Bitcoin provides real convertible cash value to many fiat denominations. Extensive news coverage about Bitcoin is highlighting a strong future as a long term investment strategy. Several countries have adopted Bitcoin as their national currency and several more have made Bitcoin ETF’s an asset class on their country stock exchanges. The United States SEC recently approved Bitcoin for trading on the NYC stock exchange through several Bitcoin ETF’s from the largest financial company’s in the country (BlackRock, Fidelity, etc.).

    Our founder has extensive educational experience in both traditional finance and Bitcoin as a currency and a technology.

    You DO NOT have to own any Bitcoin to receive bitcoin payments or collect royalties in Bitcoin. We do suggest artists buy a little bit of bitcoin, what ever you are comfortable with, so that you can fully participate in the lightning ecosystem. Somewhere between $25 to $100 is a good place to start. Lightning transactions leverage micropayments so a little goes a long way to supporting other creators entering the ecosystem. The fastest and easiest way to buy bitcoin:

    In the U.S. is by using CashApp

    In Australia is by using AmberApp

    In the U.K is by using Revolut

    Once you have your Bitcoin we’ll show you how to use it!

    What about other cryptocurrencies? As we move forward we may consider assistance or at least some education around other Crypto coins that can provide monetary value. Many musicians have had some success with NFT’s and we are aware that the broader music industry has looked at Etherum as a possible legitimate revenue stream. For now, our initial focus will remain on Bitcoin as we believe it will provide the fastest and most valuable return in the near future and we believe it allows for a solid digital currency strategy in terms of tech adoption and general monetary stability.

  • No. We are not a financial advisory company. We are music business consultants with a passion for artistic sovereignty and true independence. Our education and consulting services are designed around helping guide you through the next generation of the music business services that we think are about to explode onto the market.

    We are not financial advisors and we are not lawyers.

    Our advice does not replace your own due diligence and every artist should consult with their own financial planning team. We will not control or own your revenue stream or brand in any way. Monies will be directly deposited to your wallet and managed by you. We are truly here to partner with you and see your future success.

  • We are NOT:

    • A music marketing company but we do provide some music marketing type services (blogs, podcasts, and promotion) all that are lightning enabled or lightning forward. Because when you succeed, we succeed and we really want to scream about you from the rooftops!

    • We are not a traditional music distribution company like DistroKid or CD Baby, but we do help you host, via a 3rd party provider, your music in the “Valueverse” where it can be monetized by Bitcoin, in apps that provide an instant exchange of value. You can move or remove your music at anytime. You own your music, we do not. When we host we will take a small percentage fee as a part of our partnership to help cover those costs and to promote you within the “Valueverse.” Unlike labels that take more the more you make. With us, the more successful you become the less our percentage will be. That’s how we think it should be. You can cancel your account with us at any time. It will take approximately 15 days to remove or transfer your music if you decide to do this.

    • We are NOT a label or artist development company. The music industry has never seen a company like ours. We want all of our artists to learn, grow and fly in their own right. We have no artist contracts and do not own your music in anyway shape or form. Our fees are clearly outlined on our website when you sign up and primarily cover music business consulting services. A steal for just $10 a month. Any artist that reaches over §12M SATs per month will be given several additional options to work more closely with us or to fly on their own.

    • We are NOT a talent, touring, production or booking agency. We will however be providing many opportunities for our artists to participate in lightning enabled events, conferences, and festivals. Everything we do will be designed to expand the “Valueverse” and your presence in it.

    The best way to think about our company is a consulting service or incubator.

    Labels have long abandoned any form of artist development or discovery and we think that is a tragic outcome of the last 20 years. While we do not want to be any type of traditional label we would like to think of ourselves as a future and better version of what a label partnership should look like. We believe that when artists control their revenue stream, many can and will make a decent living with their music and mayce even more importantly, once again have a direct and intimate connection with their fans.

    Our primary focus will always be artist ownership and financial sovereignty first. How could we want anything else for our own daughter? We firmly believe that together we can change the shape of the music industry forever.

  • Honestly, it’s unknown. It could change your life, or have a nominal impact. But we are seeing artists earning, sometimes 10 fold, what they have received on traditional distribution platforms.

    The proof of concept is there. It works. Now we need to seed the ecosystem with great artists, with cool music and fans who we can teach to use value enabled platforms instead of Spotify or Apple.

    Any professionally aspiring musician knows how difficult it is to make a living doing music. It will always require hustle, heart, good solid music, and work ethic and the desire to have an intimate connection with your audience. This brave new world was made tor the artist that deeply understands their role as an entrepreneur.

    Forging a new path forward will require all of us to participate in a new and unknown ecosystem. In order to be successful in this space we will need each other. We will all have to participate and educate others about the opportunity before us.

    We think it’s revolutionary and reminiscent of the early days of the internet. A time when there was still hope that technology revolutions would enable the best in human connection and character.

    We hope you will consider joining us on this exciting new journey.

  • Heck Ya! That’s super cool! You were ahead of everyone else. We would love for you to join us! For $10 a month you’ll network with other V4V musicians and artists, and also be invited to all of our guest speaker events. If you want to sign up for the $25 a month we’ll also help get you featured on all the new apps and the Valuecast shows too! Our service fee has very little to do with hosting, in fact several of our artists were already uploaded before we started.

    Our primary goal is building a community and providing education as things change very fast here. We are literally building a coalition to disrupt the music industry. Please come help us!

    #Valueverse #2024🚀

  • So? It’s kind of interesting, right?

    If you still have questions, we get it. It’s a lot to take in. Please schedule a 30 minute consultation! We love to help and we won’t hide behind our website and email. SCHEDULE A CALL HERE anytime.

    But if you are curious enough, just go ahead and sign up for our LEARN level membership. It’s $10 a month and you can cancel at anytime. Really, what do you have to loose? $10 Bucks?

    Once you sign up you’ll be sent a “getting started” link. That’ll help fast track your onboarding. Once you knock out a few basic housekeeping items we’ll invite you to the Tuesday night weekly meetings. New Member meetings are on the first Tuesday of the month, and then every other Tuesday we’ll connect, teach, host guest speakers and learn everything there is to know about the “Valueverse.”

    We don’t want to pressure anyone, but we can’t stress strongly enough, if you are a professionally aspiring musician it’s REALLY, REALLY, important that you learn how to engage with your co-creators (within the Valueverse) and learn how to do this yourself. Make no mistake, the music industry WILL do it for you, if you don’t learn.

    Welaome to the Valueverse where 👍and ❤️ are a thing of the past and #lightningislove ⚡️=💛

    LFG 🚀