
Just Another Minute

Courtney (guitar & vocals) and Will (drums, guitars, vocals & production) are the duo behind the pop band Alibii from Sydney, Australia. Looks like they each have their hands in a few bands around New South Wales, but if they keep releasing vibes like this it won’t be long until this is their main gig. Here’s our review of “Just Another Minute.”

Track starts with a brief percussion and chord progression intro that ramps up. Will starts the vocals with a great blend between his chest and head voice, great phrasing and a nice melody. When Courtney jumps in on harmony after the second line, you immediately understand why they’re working together - their blended voices are fabulous (reminds us a lot of Us the Duo, one of our favorites). The first chorus hits with a nice downbeat emphasis - and a change of feel. It’s also a bit of “stream of consciousness” type writing, like a live discussion. Maisy Peters uses this method too - very effective.

Courtney takes over a building second verse, with Will taking the harmony and you don’t miss a beat in the story or production - great flow. Second chorus comes in with more energy and some great guitar tones - but nothing takes away from the great vocal production. With the bridge we get to the build-up we were wanting and deeper harmonies, before a break down chorus leads us back down, and up again, and out. The final chorus has some wonderful runs and luscious build up - complimenting the piece well. This is a well produced and cleverly written track that shows these two know what they’re doing, and how to do it.

Make sure you check out their Instagram profile. There’s some great shots of the band’s first couple of gigs as well as the really tiny monitor they use in the studio (kidding - it’s massive). With just two singles out, they’re showing a lot of promise. We look forward to what they’ll be doing next!

Check it out now!

Listen & Follow Alibii here:







Kaeley Jade