
From OK and much more than OK

Brothers Cam and Cole have been making music together since they were kids in Boston and are making a name for themselves in Oklahoma where, as they say, ”Labor omnia vincit” (work conquers all).  Judging by the quality of writing and production in this track, these two have been working really hard.

The track starts with a subdued vocal pad that rises up to meet an acoustic guitar and the first verse.  As he sings about “settling in” but still not feeling at home - it’s believable, and the soft sirens that are tucked away in the mix add a great touch of depth.  With the chorus, the guitars move to downstrokes to build the tension along with the return of those subdued vocal pads.  Second verse adds some nice percussion touches and more vocals as the song builds.  They pull a great trick when the second chorus starts by not bringing in the “full band” right away - they want for a phrase to pass to build up the energy.  It works really well.   The lines delivered right before the guitar solo are heartbreaking - great lyrics.  And the solo is great because it reiterates the hook, with no bass line, and totally works.  Ending is beautiful - great voicing on the Rhodes - you gotta hear this track, it is definitely radio ready.

They’ve released close to 20 singles so far, the bulk of which can be heard on SoundCloud.  Taking a quick listen to a couple of those tracks we find a couple of gems in tracks like “Feeling It,” “Quarantine” (great tones in the chorus!) and “Go On and Cry,” which has a completely different vibe.  These brothers are talented and we look forward to what they’ll be doing next!  

Check it out now!

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Fran Lusty

