Cormac Looby

Lobsters as a metaphor.

There’s something about Irish lyricists. They have a way with words and phrases in English that tend to be the envy of anyone who studies the language. Cormac Looby, a singer-songwriter from Galway could easily fit into this vibe. He’s been releasing songs for about 2 years now, and playing gigs around the Republic while building a following. Here’s our review of his latest single, “Lobster.”

When the track starts, we’re awash in a subtle pop rock vibe that’s synonymous with David Grey or The Sundays. Lovely guitar tones from a simple riff, nice pad, flowing bass line and a simple beat before Cormac begins his verse - a life lesson about the expectations of others. With the chorus, the melody takes off featuring he’s unique tone and wonderful brogue. The band drops out for the most part to feature the storytelling - the fate of someone who has left town to find himself amidst of world of people who claim they want new things and changes in people, but in reality don’t. Not quite sure I fully understand the lobster metaphor just yet, but there’s definitely an interesting play on an old nursery rhyme going on.

Second verse builds in intensity just enough to move the track along - nice production here. Lyrically, he makes you realize that the moral compass that others try to convey on you is “slightly eschew.” The chorus builds the intensity, and they we’re hit with a bridge that drops out - leaving us to ponder the questions and lessons he’s presenting. After we’ve caught our breathe, a deeper third verse emerges, more vulnerable and poetic than the first two. With the last chorus, the title is intertwined with the line of “the guise of friends” and when we think back to his point of the 3rd verse, we begin to understand his metaphor and have a new appreciation for his turn of a phrase. This is a lyrically thick track with a smooth production that keeps its focus where it should be - on the story.

This is his most professional track to date, showing considerable growth in production and as a writer with his ability to use such an unique metaphor. Scrolling through his other works who can easily fall in love with his delivery and storytelling, but this one sets itself far above the rest. Make sure you scroll down and check out his socials that include a host of intimate performances. We look forward to what he’ll be doing next!

Check it out now!

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Katie Pederson