Let’s DISRUPT together.

Are you a professionally aspiring musician? If so, then we’ve got some news for you.

Are you tired of banging your head against the industry machine. Tired of dancing to TikTok and creating content instead of music? So are we.

What if I told you there was a new way forward? No more chasing minuscule royalties. No more TikTok (unless you really love it). No more buying playlist adds, SubmitHub, radio pluggers. No more Facebook & Instagram Ads. No more Go-Fund-Me and Patreon (unless it works for you). No more playing the game the way everyone else tells you to play it.

Have you ever wished you could have been on the cusp of something new before it happened? Wished you knew about something before everyone else did? Well, guess what, you are now one of the lucky ones. You’ll be able to say “I knew it before everyone else did".”


The worldwide music industry collects nearly $80B, that’s B for billion, dollars each year and is expected to reach $130, B for Billion!, by 2030.

And, how much of it made it’s way back to you? I’m guessing, not much, am I right?

For decades the music industry has had total and complete control over one thing. The Money.

But, what if there was a new way, a way to take out the middlemen. Well, there finally is. Instant, global, direct payments - to you THE ARTIST - when the fan is listening. It’s already happening and some artists are seeing thousands of dollars in direct payments. No doubt, it’s early still but if there is one thing we know about musicians, it’s that we’re scrappy as hell.

I promise, THIS IS NOT: a “crypto-scheme,” “an NFT,” or some other nefarious rug pull.

There is a new generation of internet tools that are about to change the music industry forever. And over the next 12-24 months things are going to get real, on a global scale. We are about to see the biggest technological change to the music industry since Napster & Spotify. If you are a professionally aspiring musician then you are going to want to be a part of this - before the label’s pick up on it and figure out how to finagle their way into your pocket book - again. The lawyers have told us. This is going to take YEARS to work out.

If you aren’t sure yet, we get it. We TOTALLY get it. We all know the saying, “if it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.”

But… every once in while we are in the right place at the right time. When an industrial change arrives, it is usually a once in a lifetime change.

And this is it.

Fill out this form and we’ll send you some more info. Or check out the rest of our website and our Instagram for a little more info!

Take your time, We’ll be here when you are ready.