Join Us.
Are you interrested in disrupting the music indsutry? Us too.
Join us! Let’s create a music industry that actually does put “artist’s first.”
Incubate. For all independent musicians that want to understand how to onboard and protect your music in the valueverse. $10.00 per month, 5% SAT share.
WEEKLY Member Only Education, Networking and Marketing Discussions.
Learn How to Distribute & Collect on the lightning network.
Who are the players? What do you need to know when you distribute this way.
Private Groups to connect, learn, support and expand the “Valueverse.”
Coaching on: Collaborator Shareholder Agreements & Music Licensing. What you aboslutely need to know. Hint: don’t upload to ANY SERVICE until you’ve Legally addressed your splits and recoupments.
When to upload, When to not. The Valueverse is not for artists signed to a major label or publishing deal, yet.
Guest speaker sessions & In person events. Members Only
Lightning Enabled Social Media (Coming Soon!) Goodbye 👍 & ❤️, Hello ⚡️
Be a part of the biggest change in music - ever.
It’s $10 a month, really, what do you have to lose? Join us and let’s change the world.
Accelerate. For professionally aspiring artists releasing music on a regular basis. If you collaborate regularly with producers and co-creators. When you need extra promotional support throughout the valueverse. $25.00 per month, 3% SAT share.
WEEKLY Member Only Education, Networking and Marketing Discussions.
Learn How to distribute & dollect on the lightning network.
Who are the players? What do you need to know when you distribute this way.
Private Group Contacts to connect, learn, support and expand the “Valueverse.”
Coaching on: Collaborator Shareholder Agreements & Music Licensing. What you must know to protect your intellectual property and brand rights. Hint: don’t upload to ANY SERVICE until you’ve Legally addressed, licensing, splits and recoupments.
When to upload, When to not. The Valueverse is not for artists signed to a major label or publishing deal, yet.
Guest speaker sessions & in person events. Members Only.
Lightning Enabled Social Media (Coming Soon!) Goodbye 👍 & ❤️, Hello ⚡️
Be a part of the biggest change in music - ever - before anyone knew about it.
It’s $10 a month, really, what do you have to loose? Join us and let’s change the the music industry.
Personalized Lightning Enabled Artist Page, to point fans to, so they can learn how to use lightning
Private guest speakers focused on financial protections and investing or storing Bitcoin as a long term investment.
Up to 6 per year, Lightning Enabled Music Reviews in Shareable Blog Format.
A Minimum of 6 per year, Lightning Enabled Placement on Phantom Power Music Value Cast Shows.
First of it’s kind Value Cast Distribution Service. Placement on Weekly ValueCast shows around the world.
Your very own “Valueverse” a new social interaction that allows instant lightning between you and your fans.
It’s $25 a month, I bet you pay more than that for promo, playlisting, marketing, and other educational services.
When lightning strikes it is life changing. Negotiated support for artists that are poppin’
WEEKLY Member Only Education, Networking and Marketing Discussions.
Learn How to Distribute & Collect on the lightning network.
Who are the players? What do you need to know when you distribute this way.
Private Groups to connect, learn, support and expand the “Valueverse.”
Coaching on: Collaborator Shareholder Agreements & Music Licensing. What you aboslutely need to know. Hint: don’t upload to ANY SERVICE until you’ve Legally addressed your splits and recoupments.
When to upload, When to not. The Valueverse is not for artists signed to a major label or publishing deal, yet.
Guest speaker sessions & In person events. Members Only
Lightning Enabled Social Media (Coming Soon!) Goodbye 👍 & ❤️, Hello ⚡️
Be a part of the biggest change in music - ever.
It’s $10 a month, really, what do you have to loose! Join us and let’s change the world.
Your Own Lightning Enabled Artist Page, to point fans to, so they can learn how to use lightning
Guest speakers, regarding financial protections and investing or storing Bitcoin as a long term investment.
Up to 6 per year, Lightining Enabled Music Reviews in Shareable Blog Format.
A Minimum of 6 per year, Lightning Enabled Placement on Phantom Power Music Value Cast Shows.
First of it’s kind Value Cast Distribution. Placement on Weekly ValueCast Host Distribution.
Your Own mini-valueverse, a new social interaction that allows instant lightning between you and your fans. A-Fan-Based-Valueverse.
It’s $25 a month, I bet you pay much more than that for playlisting, marketing services, and other “music education” services.
How To Self Custody Bitcoin. Which Tools Are Safe? Market Leaders.
Lightning Enabled Performance Opportunities.
Lightning Enabled Tour Opportunities.
Lightning Enabled Ticket Sales
Lightning Enabled Merchandise Sales
Industry Wide Press Releases For Trending & Charting Artistsn
For emerging valueverse artists. Once you start “stacking SATs” we’ll invite you to take the next step. $99.00 per year, 1% SAT share.
It’s getting hot in here. You are stacking SATs like a pro. We’ll work with you on an individual basis to take your career to the next level.
For Artists that reach §12M (or More) SATs+ per Month
Our GOAL: Seeing all artists make a livable wage