Charm Offensive

Ok all you music theory nerds - here’s a killer track from a brand new band out of Limerick that’ll have you counting out all the sections multiple times before you get it right. Before we get into the track, let’s take a minute to say how refreshing it is to hear this type of music coming from The Emerald Isle. We all know that Ireland has more musical poets than Washington D.C. has political morons, but we haven’t seen a lot of heavy bands emerge from the fog of Irish pop culture. This band is a breathe of fresh air, and if this is their first track - my god - this could get ugly (in a good way), really quick.

Meet SWEETS. Liam Marley on guitar and vocals. Lorcan Bourke on drums. Keith Lawler on guitar. Bertie Kelly on bass. The track, “Charm Offensive” was recorded by Ben Wanders and mastered by Richard Dowling. Here’s our review.

It’s an all start, and the odd meters start right away. The verse is heavy, it’s a great riff! This is a little darker than Alice & Soundgarden - but definitely in the same genre, especially when it comes to the odd meter. The chorus picks up in intensity musically with a more intricate riff, but they counterplay it with a simple vocal line - great stuff. I could be wrong, but I counted this out in 4 sections of a 7 beat measure. After the chorus, it’s back to another odd meter verse, and a chorus in 7, before it breaks off into two instrumental sections - we counted them out in sections of 8 and 7. With the bridge and guitar solo, they go back to a 7 beat set-up and drive home the accents. Oddly enough, this sounds simplistic compare to what they were pulling off in the other sections. Then it’s back to the main riff with more accents from Lorcan and an altered chorus to finish it up. We’re not going to ask the band for a breakdown of the counts in the verses and other sections - we hope that you all will listen and comment below (or our on Facebook page). Bottom line, we really love this track and if it’s the first thing they’ve released - wow. These dudes are monsters. This is going to be an amazing band. So glad they’re coming on to the scene!

Make sure you check out the video - it’s up on their YouTube page. The camera angles are great. The vibe is perfect. The editing is dope. We love this band. We’re hooked. Stream this, loud and hard.

Check it out now!

Listen & Follow SWEETS here:





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