Eva Westphal

Eva Westphal


Hey Eva, thank you for joining us!  Give us a brief history of how and where you started.

Thanks for having me! I started writing music when I was 13, after being raised playing the violin. I was honestly a terrible singer when I started, but I practiced and practiced! Music has always been the love of my life right from the start. I was always just so fascinated by it.

What were your goals when you first started writing music?  How are they different now?

I think I just wanted to express what I was feeling inside. Now, the intentions are similar, but I also want to make music that people listen to and go, “oh, that’s my story too.” I want people to feel seen through my music.

Did you always know what type of music you wanted to create, or has it changed over time?

It’s changed over time, but I always have steered towards acoustic pop!

Tell us about your writing process – is it the same every time for each song, or is it more like a flash of lightning, unexpected inspiration?

I get unexpected inspiration for sure, but then I sit down and really build it out. It’s a slower process than people expect.

What is the most important thing to you to convey in your writing?

That life really does get better. That recovery is possible, that coming out and being yourself is possible, really just that you can do a total 180 and become a truly peaceful, happy person after really dark times.

I'm listening to "Understood" right now - I love your vocal performance and the story.  Tell us where you recorded it, how you tracked it, and how the song came about?

Thanks so much! I recorded it here in New York City, where I’m based. My producer, KAIYI, lives in London, so that’s where she created the mix for the song. The song came about over time, but I really just wanted to write about the feeling I used to sometimes get of being isolated in a crowded room because every girl in the room would be talking about men. I as a lesbian can’t relate, and I couldn’t find a song that talked about that feeling, so I decided to write it!

If you had the opportunity to place "Understood " into any TV show, or movie, what would it be and why?

Definitely Heartstopper. It’s gay, it’s emotional, it’s vulnerable!

For every song that you release or play live, how many never see the light of day?

Probably 90%? It’s actually crazy how many half-songs I scrap. But usually, if I care enough to fully write out a song, there’s a 50/50 chance I’ll release it eventually.

If a band comes to your town, where should they grab a bite to eat?

Mama’s Too on West 105th and Broadway!

Any clue as to why "hot chicken" is a thing here in Nashville?  Seriously, it's awful.  Why anyone would choose to do that to their body is beyond us.  Any help you could give would be most appreciated.

I have to disagree with you on this one…. I lived in Nashville over the summer and I loved the hot chicken! But we can agree to disagree, haha.

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