Master Use License Music
Phantom Power Music Rev. V4V-License-V-4.0_1_30_2024
The Value-4-Value Master Use License and Agreement (hereinafter referred to as the “The Agreement”) is initiated at the time and date of upload of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” and as defined by these agreed upon definitions, by and between the herein mentioned parties;
· Value 4 Value; “V4V” also colloquially known as “The Valueverse” is a monetization model that allows for the instant and direct exchange of money, via digital currency, particularly Bitcoin, between a listening audience and the “Owner” of a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.” Many people or organizations can share in the exchange of value due to the existence of the “Value Block,” a feature set used when distributing a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” to the “Valueverse” via “RSS.”
· Really Simple Syndication: “RSS” is an internet protocol that operates a standardized system for the distribution of certain types of digital content, specifically “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” whereby “applications also referred to as “Apps,” and other “Users,” can access legal ownership information, along with the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING,” via the “Value Block” in a standardized format known as an “RSS Feed.”
· Value Block: The “Value Block” also known as “The Split,” is a set of technology instructions, included in the RSS Feed, that identifies monetization recipients and the address of an individual(s) or multiple, digital wallet(s). Multiple recipients and multiple wallets can share in the value block and “Value block” behavior is defined by unique information input by the “Owner” when creating the “RSS Feed” during the upload process. Any “User” of a digital work covered under this license must always honor the information as defined within the “RSS Feed” and the corresponding “Value Block.”
· Owner: The “Owner” is the real and true holder of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” which by embodies and may also contain underlying composition(s) created by or with additional “Collaborator Shareholders.” The “Owner” is also, thereby, the real and true owner of the resulting “RSS Feed.”
· Collaborator Shareholder: Also known as “Rights Holders” are people or organizations that participated in the creation of a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.”
· Collaborator Shareholder Agreement: “Collaborator Shareholder Agreement” is the true and legal agreement made by and between the “Owner” of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” and their “Collaborators.” Collaborator Shareholders are other financially incentivized partners in the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.”
· User: A “User” is any person, company, playlist, application, distributor, or any entity that is using the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” for any purpose within the “Valueverse.” When so notated, and by the definition of this license and its terms herein, “Users” must honor both this agreement, in combination with, the specific terms identified within the “RSS Feed.”
· Listener: A “Listener” is the end user, fan or follower that is consuming the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” on or through a Value-4-Value enabled platform and who then instantly, directly, and globally has the option to transfer a monetary value, of their choosing, to the “Owner” using a digital currency, like Bitcoin, via their digital wallet.
· Distributor: A “Distributor” is defined as a mobile or web-based platform or software service that stores a copy of “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” and then creates the underlying “RSS Feed” that is published and makes that “RSS Feed” available to third-party software applications or services (“Apps”) that are value-4-value enabled.
· Value-4-Value Application: A “V4V-App” is a mobile or web-based platform or software service that enables the instant, global and direct transfer of value to the “Owner.” Value-4-Value “Apps” also enable the exchange of value, in app by connecting the “Listener’s” digital wallet to the “Owner(s)” digital wallet therefore enabling the instant, direct and global exchange of value.
· Value Cast: A “Value Cast” is a value enabled programmer, show, playlist, or App, that is utilizing a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” by reading and accessing the “RSS Feed.” A “Value Cast” is a promotional partner that helps to positively expand an audience within the “Valueverse.”
· Value Host: A “Value Host” is a media personality, company, or programmer that utilizes a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” either, talking about, playing, including, or otherwise promoting the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” to the “Valueverse.”
· International Standard Recording Code: An “ISRC Code” is a numeric international identification number for a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” that is tied to the Ownership of the “RSS Feed” and corresponding copyright information. The “ISRC Code” shall always become an embedded notation with each license and displayed in app where a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” is used.
· Value-4-Value license: The “V4V License” constitutes the allowable use by all parties within the “Valueverse” who thereby agree to take certain precautions against the misuse of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” including, but not limited to, a). the prohibited use of “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” in any app that is not value enabled b). the prohibited use in any synchronization or derivative works not approved by the “Owner.” c). all parties agree to properly communicate and educate against the misuse of “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” in public spaces or other venue’s that have no clear or immediate transfer of value between the “Listener” and the “Owner.”
Effective at the time of upload, this “Agreement” is made by and between “The Owner” and any party described herein for the limited use, effective with the notated license and corresponding “ISRC Code” identified and attached to the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” as described herein, and for use across “The Valueverse” and as follows:
1. Rights Management:
“The Owner” shall be the only “Rights Holder” to distribute the music composition for use within “The Valueverse.” Due to the decentralized nature of this emerging technology multiple copies will create unknown conflicts and therefore each “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” shall only be distributed through a single Value-4-Value “Distributor” at any given time. A “Distributor” can be changed via “claims” made between “distributors”, and as requested only by the real “Owner” of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” and the corresponding “RSS Feed.” The “Owner” hereby agrees that they have and will properly administer all “Collaborator Shareholder Rights” as per the “Collaborator Shareholder Agreement” for each “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.” “Collaborator Shareholder’s” shall obtain and maintain their own digital wallet as defined within the “Collaborator Shareholder Agreement,” and the “Owner” bears no responsibility for managing or maintaining the provided digital wallet. Each “Collaborator Shareholder” is solely responsible for their own digital wallet. “Owner” is in no way responsible for the use, misuse, or loss of digital currency within any wallet and “Collaborator Shareholders” are hereby obligated to and must immediately notify “Owner” of any change to a digital wallet. “Owner” shall bear no responsibility for any missed payment that should occur due to a discontinued, lost or stolen wallet.
2. Distribution:
The “Distributor” shall receive, process, and store each “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING,” the corresponding “Collaborator Shareholder Agreement,” the unique “ISRC” code of each recording, and the link to or embed the license notation, as described herein, within the published “RSS Feed.” “The Distributor” is considered a service provider and shall read, display, and transmit to “Apps” the following information: a). the “Owner” of the music composition (which may be different than the artist), the “ISRC Code”, and the license notation as defined by this document and using the approved notation herein.
The “Distributor” is considered a designated service provider and, as such, they may charge a fiat fee (as a hosting service) and/or a split share of the “Value Block” or both. All fees and value shares shall be clearly posted on the distributors website and outlined within their terms of service. Fees cannot be changed without a 90-day notice to the “Owner.”
3. Use By Value-4-Value Apps:
The Value-4-Value “App” shall receive, process, and display, “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING,” as well as the “The V4V License Notation” (as defined herein). The license notation shall always include both the “ISRC code” and the copyright date and be represented in its entirety within the “App.” There shall never, by any modification, be a simplified display.
A Value-4-Value “App” is considered a designated service provider and, as such, they may charge a fiat fee and/or take a split-share, in the form of a split the “Value Block” or both. “Apps” may also choose to split their share with other “third party” service provider. All fees and value shares shall be clearly posted on the distributors website and outlined within their terms of service. Fees cannot be changed without a 90-day notice to the “Owner.”
Each “RSS Feed” shall contain a MAXIMUM fee, designated by the “Owner”, at the time of upload. Fees shall never, otherwise, exceed those limits and fees shall be honored, in all cases and without exception, as defined by the “Value Block” and as set by the “Owner.”
4. Use By Value Cast:
The “Value Cast” and its corresponding “Value Host” is hereby granted a limited use license, as defined herein by both the notation and definition of the “V4V License” to include, use, or otherwise promote the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” where and when they are distributing their show, playlist, or other programmed “Value Cast” via a Value-4-Value platform.
The “Value Cast” and its “Value Host” shall not be considered a service provider, but rather a “Value Cast” and its “Value Host” are operating as a promotional partner that agrees to always promote the musical composition in a way that provides a positive experience to the “Owner.” “Value Hosts” agree to always publicly educate and encourage, how the exchange of value works to its audience, to encourage its audience to participate in the instant, direct and global exchange of value and to honor the ethos of the Value-4-Value Philosophy when using a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.”
In all cases, this license is granted only for use in “The Valueverse” and all “parties” listed herein that choose to use a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” shall have, or utilize a Value-4-Value enabled service or app. All users and service providers shall make every effort and attempt to ensure that the instant, direct and global transfer of value is always always enabled and available to the “Owner” and “Listener”.
The “V4V License” is governed by the terms set forth between parties listed herein and “The Owner” of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.” The “V4V License” notation shall be clearly attached to each “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING,” and reference the “Owner” designated copyright date and the “ISRC Code” as follows:
License Notation: ©2023-V4V-ARR-CV4V-ND/S-FR-RP(USA)-QZTAX2254590
License Notation is described as:
©xxxx - Copyright date noting the year of first publication
V4V - Signifies the presence of Value-4-Value enabled feature within “App”.
ARR - All rights reserved by Owner(s).
C4V4 - Commercial use allowed only when an obvious exchange of value is present and an instant exchange of value is available by and between the “Owner” and “Listener.” Service provider(s) are required to make it clear to listeners that their app is not available for commercial uses such as malls, restaurants, or other public spaces without the CLEAR and AVAILABLE transfer of value explained and displayed.
NDS - No derivatives of work or synchronization shall be used without the express written permission of “Owner”.
FR - All compositions and licenses are fully revokable at any time by request of “Owner.”
RP(USA) - Rights protection will be governable by country of origin of upload “Owner.”
ISRC - ISRC Code must be attached to every license notation
5. Term.
The effective date of “The Agreement” shall commence at the time and date of upload and will continue in full force and effect until “Owner” revokes or requests a takedown and cancels this “Agreement.” The “Owner” choice to upload, and opt into the use of this license constitutes the implied agreement to these terms and conditions, between “Owner” and all parties mentioned herein.
6. Consideration.
The license is granted and described in “The Agreement” for use when Value-4-Value features and functionality are enabled and available and when instant, digital payments can be received directly to the “Owner” and between the end user “Listener” through the use a digital wallet. Payments must be instantly, directly, and globally accepted via a digital currency (such as Bitcoin) or some other fiat to digital currency onramp banking integration.
> Service Providers.
Service providers are identified as “Distributor” and/or “App” and shall have a right to collect a clearly advertised, on their own website or service offering (in fiat or Bitcoin), a fee for processing and/or hosting a “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” and the associated “Collaborator Shareholder Agreement.” Alternatively, or in addition to, service providers may also take a value “split” only when clearly identified within their own terms of service. Fees shall never exceed the MAXIMUM allowed, as set by the “Owner” within the “RSS Feed” and the associated “Value Block.”
> Value Cast & Value Host’s.
“Value Casts” and “Value Hosts” are identified as promotional partners and shall have the right to use and promote the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” to amplify and expand and encourage the worldwide and global exchange of value, using a digital currency (such as Bitcoin) between the “Listener”, the “Value Cast” and the “Owner.”
As a promotional partner the “Value Cast” and/or “Value Host” shall be allowed to receive a value “split” based on the “Value Block” settings. The “Value Cast” and/or “Value Host” shall always honor the MINIMUM value to “Owner,” as set by the “Owner” within the “RSS Feed and the associated Value Block.” Of the remaining value split “Value Hosts” may choose to give the “Owner” all or more or identify their own third parties as shares. Split shares shall always be transparent within the “RSS Feed” of the show and within the show notes.
7. Right to Sublicense
No “User” or parties herein, has any right to grant a sublicense to any party, not listed herein, unless “Owner” provides its approval in writing. The “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” shall not be used in any public setting unless a clear and immediate exchange of value between the “Listener” and the “Owner” is available. Therefore, “Apps” and “Value Casts” should not allow use of their “App” or services in settings such as bars, restaurants, shopping malls, schools, store, salons, or dance studios (or the like) without a clear, visible, and immediately available exchange of value between the listener and the User. “Apps” and “Value Casts” agree to take all measures necessary to properly, and aggressively educate, “Listeners” about the philosophy behind “Value-4-Value” as a monetization alternative within the “Valueverse.”
8. Ownership of Licensed IP.
All parties agrees that, subject to the rights and licenses granted herein, “Owner” is, and will remain, the sole and exclusive owner of all right, title, and interest, throughout the world, to the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” and any copies of “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” associated with a specifically designated “V4V License” and it’s corresponding “ISRC Code.”
9. Legal Action.
“Owner” will maintain sole control and discretion over the prosecution and maintenance with respect to all rights, including all intellectual property rights to the “Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.” “Owner” will have the primary right, but not the obligation, to bring and control any litigation, enforcement action, proceeding, or other legal action against any unauthorized use, infringement, misappropriation, dilution, or other violation of the “Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.” The parties herein agree to cooperate with “Owner” in any action that “Owner” may undertake to protect the “Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING,” and upon “Owner” request, parties will execute, file, and deliver all documents and proof necessary for that purpose, including being named as a party to the action as required by law. “Owner” will be entitled to retain the entirety of any award arising from any action. Parties may participate and be represented in any action by its own counsel at its own expense. Parties’ will have no claim of any kind against “Owner” based on, or arising out of “Owner’s” handling of, or decisions concerning, any action, settlement, or compromise.
10. Mutual Representations and Warranties.
Each party represents and warrants that: (a) it has the power and authority to enter into “The Agreement”, and the execution, delivery, and performance of “The Agreement” and the transactions and other documents contemplated have been authorized by the parties; and (b) “The Agreement” constitutes a legal, valid, and binding obligation of the parties, fully enforceable against the parties in accordance with its terms, subject to bankruptcy, insolvency, fraudulent transfer, reorganization, moratorium, and similar laws of general applicability relating to or affecting creditors’ rights, and general equity principles.
11. Owner’s Representations and Warranties.
“Owner” represents and warrants that: (a) “Owner” owns and/or controls the rights granted to parties within the “The Agreement” and “Owner” has the right to grant such rights and to enter into “The Agreement”; (b) to the best of its knowledge the “Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” does not infringe upon or violate (i) any copyright, patent, trademark, or other proprietary right of a third party or (ii) any applicable law, regulation, or non-proprietary right of a third party; and (c) “Owner” has no knowledge of any claim which, if sustained, would be contrary to “Owner’s” warranties, representations, and obligations contained in “The Agreement”.
12. Indemnification.
“Owner” will under no circumstances, be obligated to indemnify, defend, or hold “User,” its Affiliates, or respective representatives, officers, directors, stockholders, employees or agents harmless from any liability, claims, demands, causes of action, judgments, damages, or expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fees and costs) arising out of or as a result of “User’s” improper use of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” under “The Agreement”.
“User” must indemnify, defend, and hold all parties harmless from all liability, claims, demands, causes of action, judgments, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ and experts’ fee and costs) arising out of or as a result from “Owner’s” creation of the “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” including the misuse and infringement of copyright material. “Owner” will be obligated to defend and hold harmless all parties in the event that any claims, demands, causes of action, judgments, or expenses arose out of willful misconduct, gross negligence, or bad faith by Owner.
13. Indemnification Procedure.
Promptly after receipt by “Value Host”, “Value Cast”, or App, etc., of notice of any indemnification claim, such party must give Owner written notice describing the claim in reasonable detail, along with copies of any correspondence, court documents, or other writings stating the claim. “Owner” will be responsible for the defense or settlement of the claim, at its own expense and by counsel of its own selection and all parties will have the right (at their own expense) to participate in the defense of the claim. All parties (Value Host, Value Cast, App, etc.) must reasonably cooperate with “Owner” and its counsel in the defense and settlement of the claim. All parties (Value Host, Value Cast, App, etc.) cannot enter any settlement with respect to any claim without the prior written consent of Owner, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld.
14. Limitations of Liability.
15. Termination.
Any party may terminate “The Agreement” immediately upon delivery of written notice or a request to remove the “V4V Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING.” “V4V Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” must be removed from the “Distributor” within 7 days after written notice of cancellation or notification of any breach of this License. Requests to remove “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” from a “Value Cast” are deemed a separate “Take Down Request” and must be individually communicated in writing and addressed directly with the “Value Cast” or the “Value Host.” “Owner” must provide the show name, show date, and corresponding time code where the composition has been used. A “Value Cast” and its “Value Host” must remove the composition within 7 days of the request.
16. Assignment.
“The Agreement” may not be assigned by any parties herein without “Owner’s” prior written consent. “Owner” may assign “The Agreement”, in whole or in part, to any affiliate, management or successor. The rights and obligations under “The Agreement” will be binding upon the parties and their successors. The use of the “V4V Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” however, shall inure solely to the benefit of “Owner” and its respective successors and permitted assigns. Any attempted assignment or delegation in contravention of these provisions will be void and ineffective.
17. Severability.
If any provision of “The Agreement” is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remainder of “The Agreement” will be valid and enforceable and the parties will negotiate in good faith a substitute, valid and enforceable provision which most nearly puts into effect the intent of the parties hereto.
18. No Waiver.
The failure of a party to enforce any provision of “The Agreement” will not be construed to be a waiver of the right of such party to thereafter enforce that provision or any other provision or right.
19. Entire “Agreement”.
“The Agreement” and the corresponding notated “V4V License” will constitute the entire “Agreement” between the parties, and supersede and merge all prior negotiations, agreements, and understandings, oral or written, with respect to any and all matters between the parties.
20. Governing Law.
The parties hereby agree that “The Agreement” will be governed by, and first constructed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the United States and specifically the home state of the “Owner” at the time of upload without reference to rules governing choice of laws. Further governance will attach to the home country of origin for the uploading “Owner.”
241 Disputes.
Any dispute arising from “The Agreement” shall be resolved through mediation. If the dispute cannot be resolved through mediation, then the dispute will be resolved through binding arbitration conducted in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association.
22. Notices.
All notices, demands or other communications to be given under “The Agreement” by any party to the other may be effected either by personal delivery in writing or by U.S. mail, registered or certified, postage prepaid with return receipt requested. Notices delivered personally will be deemed communicated as of actual receipt. Mailed notices will be deemed communicated as of two (2) days after mailing.
As such, and in accordance with the terms herein and the “Owner’s” action to upload the “Licensed” “SOUND OR VIDEO RECORDING” to a party listed herein constitutes the entire “Agreement” contained and is entered into upon the exact time and date of upload.