Become a Nashville Songwriter!
Are you ready to turn your music dreams into reality? This summer Bitcoin journeys into the heart of Music City for the 2024 International Bitcoin Conference and here’s your chance to make your musical mark on the soundtrack of the summer.
Every songwriter knows the transformative power of a "cut" on a hit song - a mere word, a twist of phrase, or an innovative idea can catapult a song to global fame. With the power to transform lives and careers overnight, winning an official "cut" on this summer's hottest track could catapult you into the ranks of musical legends.
Unleash your creative genius alongside Nashville's pop songwriters Ainsley Costello and Emily Ronna, with production by international EDM sensation DJ JSTR. Together, you'll craft the ultimate groovy anthem of the year.
To enter, just share your idea in the comments below - it's that simple. Submit a phrase of 5 words or more and up to two sentences. And here's your writer’s challenge: capture the essence of what Bitcoin means to you without explicitly mentioning the word Bitcoin. If you can. We challenge you to dig deep to find that lyrical masterpiece that embodies the spirit of innovation, empowerment, freedom and the limitless possibility synonymous with Bitcoin. Etch your name onto the soundtrack of the Bitcoin revolution and be sure to join us this summer in Nashville, Tennessee - the heart of Music City, the birthplace of dreams, and the epicenter of Bitcoin 2024.
Official Rules Below! Enter now, below, and let your creativity soar!
SUBMISSION GUIDELINES - No purchase necessary.
Q: What is the 2024 Bitcoin Song Contest?
A: The 2024 Bitcoin Song Contest gives members of the worldwide Bitcoin Community the opportunity to be a part of a traditional song cut. A cut is a term used in the music industry to identify rights of ownership in a song. This contest will allow people to submit a phrase or idea that embodies the ethos of Bitcoin. Winning entries will be given a cut and included in the song split when it is released. Bitcoin transactions take place in value-enabled mobile apps or progressive web applications that use lightning payments to exchange Satoshi digitally, instantly and globally.
The final song will be composed by Nashville artists Ainsley Costello (known for her 1M SATOSHI song "Cherry On Top") and Emily Ronna (“Someone Else” and “Breathe”). The song will be produced by JSTR, an international EDM and Pop producer well known throughout the Bitcoin community.
Q: How to Enter?
A: To enter, submit a phrase of a minimum of 5 words or maximum of two sentences about what Bitcoin means to you. The writers challenge: do not use the word Bitcoin or Satoshi. But… you still can. If the word Bitcoin or Satoshi is used it will be removed from the phrase and the sentiment will still be considered without the word. Words and phrases should emote the feeling of Bitcoin. Words or phrases that emote danger, killing, or harmful messages will not be considered. Entries will be publicly listed here on this page and the administrator reserves the right to remove or disqualify any phrase deemed inappropriate. If your phrase is removed from the message feed, you have been disqualified. If a duplicate sentiment is entered, the cut will be awarded to the earliest entrant. Final decisions on all lyrical content will be made by Ainsley Costello and Emily Ronna. One entry per person, per digital wallet. Winner’s will be asked to provide their own digital wallet address that must be compatible with LNURL.
Q: How are finalists and winners determined?
A: Final lyrics will be chosen by Ainsley Costello and Emily Ronna and they will maintain full freedom to use either the sentiment or the exact lyrical content.
Final shareholder ownership will be as follows:
Ainsley Costello - Composer 20%
Emily Ronna - Composer 20%
JSTR - Producer 20%
Bitcoin Community - 40%
Ainsley and Emily will have the freedom to choose between 1 and 40 ideas or phrases taken as inspiration or in their exact form. Each person that has has a final included phrase or sentiment will be rewarded with a proportionate cut of the available song split. The song may be split up to 40 times for 1% each OR 4 times for 10% each. Final “cuts” and shares will be determined based on the number of entries used in the final lyric content.
Q: Entry Window?
A: You may enter online from April 1, 2024 to April 30, 2024. Entries are considered comments received on this page in the section below these rules.
Q: How and when must I submit an entry to be considered?
A: All entries must be submitted electronically, below, at this website, no later than April 30, 2024.
Q: When will the winning Cut(s) be determined?
A: Winning shareholders, those receiving a song cut, will be notified via email by May 20, 2024. A final global announcement will be made when the song recording has been completed and debuted.
Q: Is the competition global?
A: Yes, this is a worldwide competition. All entries must be submitted below into this site and made public on the entry page. All entries must be submitted or translated English to ensure the appropriate sentiment is conveyed by the entrant.
Q: What do winning entries receive?
A: Winners will become songwriter shareholders in the final composition and forever maintain a percentage of that songwriting share. Shares will be applicable exclusively to Bitcoin collections.
Winners will not own any rights associated with the final master recording. The original composers and producer will maintain the exclusive right to the master recording, owned by each 1/3 share. The songwriter splits granted through this contest will be compensated in Bitcoin or Satoshi, directly to a personally provided digital wallet. Bitcoin music revenue is generated when released in the "valueverse" and when heard or streamed in value enabled apps such as, TrueFans,.fm or other similar platforms where lightning payments are available between the user and the listener. Bitcoin and Satoshi are instantly and directly distributed to the shareholders. Composers/Producer have no obligation to distribute any funds to any participant in the contest. All shareholders in the final cut must provide a digital wallet to receive any payments, and the shareholder has the complete and individual control over that wallet. Shareholder winner(s) must provide their own digital wallet for split recognition. The associated shareholders have no responsibility or ownership of any individual Bitcoin, Satoshi, or payment received directly to a shareholder.
Q: Who may submit entries for the competition?
A: Anyone, any age may participate, in any location may participate. There is NO PURCHASE NECESSARY to enter this contest. In order to receive payment as a winner you must provide a digital wallet that accepts Bitcoin Satoshi via the lightning network in the LNURL format.
Q: Who do I contact if I have questions?
A: For submission questions, support and/or technical questions, please email SUBJECT: Bitcoin Song Contest